
Schengen Visa Experience with Swiss Consulate

I applied Swiss visa multiple times and the experience has been consistent to receive in around 5 days.

The first time was in 2019 when I walked-in for biometrics. The second time was after COVID-19 and so they weren't allowing in-person applications. Fortunately I had biometrics already and so did not require to go again.

The Schengen visa application is pretty standard with all consulates with very requirements changing. The documentation like bookings and itinerary making takes half a day every-time. 

Both times, I planned the itinerary to visit Croatia which is outside Schengen area at that time and so the application is for Multiple Entry.

Visa Information

  • Total cost - USD 80.
  • Total processing time - 5 days.
  • Validity
    • Multiple entry.
    • First time - 1 year from date of issue.
    • Second time - 8 months from date of issue. My last visa was more than 2 years and so that could be the reason for time period to be reduced.
    • Max 90 days per stay.

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